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K-nine Lingo – Episode #2 – An Interview with Jennifer Nixon



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An Interview with Jennifer Nixon and Dogs in the News!

Thank you for joining me on this episode of K-Nine Lingo podcast. I am excited to share my first interview with you. Please welcome Jennifer Nixon of Canine’s On Main Grooming to the K-Nine Lingo Community! Not only is Jennifer one of my best friends but she is the only groomer I would let groom my dogs. She has an amazing ability to read and understand all dogs “energy” as she would say. As long as I have know her she has always had a deep passion and affection for all life, especially animals. I hope you enjoy getting to know her here on this episode!

This is my first interview so again, please bare with me. As time goes I will get better at interviewing and we will get more comfortable and open up.  She has a lot of passion, experience, knowledge and understanding that she can and wants to share with you! So, on that note… I do as well!

I am passionate about helping people and dogs succeed! So, I have to be real with you. While doing this episode I felt a lot of that passion spill over from the news event I cover. When I was editing and listening to myself I could hear how intense and forward I can be in my passion. Yes, I except that my intensity might not be for some. However, I feel most of you will understand, respect and enjoy listening to my opinion ! If not… I’m cool with that too!

I know I’m motivated by the love and a desire to help! But, I’m not going to dance around important topics. This industry needs to have some raw, open and honest conversation between professionals, working and pet dog owners so we can actually make a real impact in this industry!

Make sure to follow Ridley K9 Academy on social media and sign up to get all my upcoming podcasts episodes and dog training tips and tricks in your email before they are published. Please spread the work about K-Nine Lingo and remember to please like, comment and share this post with all your friends and dog groups your involved in.

Do you have any dog training tips, tricks information or news you would like me to cover on this podcast please contact me here or call me directly 530-409-1879

 Now please listen to the new episode now!

Jennifer Nixon, Canines On Main Grooming:



(530) 647-6248

Here is the news story I was referring to:

Sac Bee News Story 

Ridley K9 Academy:

K-Nine Lingo Podcast

Dog Training Workshops

Dog Training Services