My First Podcast Episode!
What can I say? I am excited to finally get this podcast up and running! Even if it is just a test run, I had to over come the fear and just do it! I have been super nervous about doing it because I want everything sound right and be perfect. But, honestly whats perfect? Right! So I said to myself… Garrett, stop being a chicken shit and put yourself out there and learn by experience. I learn best by failing anyway lol.
Really though, I hate the I could of, should of feeling! So here we are. At least I will know what I am good at what I am not good at, so I can go back and fix it. So please bear with me as I stumble my through this first podcast I have ever created and produced. It is not easy, but fun!
The thing is, I really enjoy speaking on the Roni Deutch radio show and I always want to share more with her audience. But, time is expensive on the radio and I can do this practicality free and everybody can benefit from it. I like writing this blog but I can explain and say what I feel better through voice and soon I will incorporate some video.
So… what is the purpose to the Knine Lingo podcast and why have I created it? Well, I want to create a community of loyal followers for the benefit of all dogs and the people who own, handle and work with them.
My objective is to provide a platform for our community to share their stories, experiences, knowledge and understanding about dogs. I am also excited to have open and honest conversations with other professionals in the dog industry across the country. I am curious and want to learn as much as you do. There are some incredible people in this industry and I want to talk to them. Who would you like to hear from? Would you like to sit down and talk dogs? Id love to talk to you and see where the conversation goes. I am motivated to help and learn.
I have a very helpful training tip I go over in this podcast called the 90-10 rule. It is a easy rule to adopt and apply with any dog or puppy. So check it out!
If you are having problems implementing the 90-10 rule give me a call or message me and take advantage of my free phone consultation. Or sign up for one of my upcoming workshops below.
Do you have a topic or question you would like addressed? I will be picking 1 lucky winning question and answering it during each episode. So be sure to follow me on social media and share this with all your friends. Who knows you may be the lucky winner to have your question answered!